HEE Announcement: GP Round 1 Applications Opening in November 2020
Promoted on behalf of Health Education England
Applications for GP Specialty training will open on 4th November 2021 for starts in August 2022. The choices you need to make can be overwhelming. If you’re one of the thousands who are not quite sure and considering several options, you may be thinking about what aspects of medicine you enjoy the most. As you start to research and narrow down your specialty choices, you can begin to focus on the reality of training.
For those of you who’ve come across the term portfolio career, it doesn’t mean you have to decide which interests you want to pursue, whether you work in a clinical or non-clinical setting or how you’ll develop as a GP, from day one. In fact, if you think of your career spanning 40 years or so, you’re more likely to be looking for something sustainable - a role you can adapt, continue to learn and flex according to your lifestyle. The path you take is more likely to be shaped by those who have inspired you or a chance conversation with like-minded professionals. There’s ample opportunity to gain extra qualifications.
Application Timelines:
Applications for GP Round 1 will open 4th November – 1st December 2021 for a start in August 2022. Applications can be made via Oriel
Want More Information?
- Ask a GP or trainee to get a broader perspective.
- Visit the GP National Recruitment Office (GPNRO) website
Want to speak to a GP?
Email Daryl at gprecruitment@hee.nhs.uk if you would like to be put in contact with a GP/trainee who has or is going through this experience or to find out more about any aspect of the career from our pool of local and national expert
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