Introducing Messly’s Locum Doctor Salary Calculator
Messly’s Locum Doctor Salary Calculator breaks down the hourly rates of over 40,000 real individual locum jobs which were offered to doctors on Messly since January 2021.
You can use it to answer questions like:
👉 How much can I expect to earn per hour, based on my grade, specialty and region?
👉 Can I increase my hourly rate by changing the specialty or region that I locum in?
👉 What will I make each month if I work part-time or full time?
👉 How would this compare to my training or fellowship salary?
How the Locum Doctor Salary Calculator works
1️⃣ Input your grade, specialty and location. You can change this later to compare different specialties and locations.
2️⃣ Review the average hourly rate for that combination, based on Messly's data.
3️⃣ Set whether you want to work anti-social shifts, and how many locum shifts you want to work per week
4️⃣ Presto! Everything’s done and you’re now able to review your daily, weekly and monthly gross pay.

Data, methodology and FAQs 📈
What is the source of this data?
The data in the Locum Doctor Salary Calculator is sourced from locum jobs added to Messly since 1 Jan 2021. A total of 43,000 individual locum jobs have been added in this period.
How do you check that rates are accurate?
Jobs are only added by pre-vetted locum agencies who have been approved to join Messly. Before jobs are added to Messly they are checked by our team and erroneous rates are investigated by our team and jobs are removed if the rates cannot be verified.
How is the range of hourly rates calculated?
Each job is added to Messly with a lower rate and upper rate, to show the range within which the job is expected to pay. We use averages of these lower and upper rates to calculate the range for your chosen grade and specialty. We also show you in the Calculator the total number of jobs that have been used in the calculation.
Note that even within a particular region and specialty, hourly rates can vary from Trust-to-Trust and even from month-to-month within a hospital, due to changes in demand and busyness.
How is regional data calculated?
For regions within London, we use an average of the rates for locum jobs in London. Outside of London, we use an average of the rates for locum jobs outside of London. Rates in London are around 5-8% lower than the national average due to Pan London Rate Cap. Click here to read more about Locum Rates in London.
Are these amounts gross or net?
All amounts are gross. This is your total pay before any deductions. From the amount quoted in the Calculator, you will need to make deductions for employee NI, income tax, pension contributions and student loan as per your circumstances. We suggest taking the annual figure and using a take-home pay calculator to work out what you can expect to keep after these deductions.
How are weekly, monthly and annual amounts calculated?
For the purpose of the calculation, we use a 10-hour shift with 30-minute unpaid break.
The annual salary is based on working 47 weeks per year, with 5 weeks of unpaid holiday. This means you can always earn more if you’re not fussed about getting time off.
We use the mid-point of the range for the expected hourly rate and multiply these by the above amounts to get to weekly, monthly and annual amounts.
For example: If an hourly rate range is £40-50, we take the midpoint of £45. Then for 3 shifts per week, that’s: (3 shifts per week x 9.5 paid hours each x £45 per hour x 47 weeks per year) = £60,277.
Why do you ask about anti-social hours?
Anti-social hours are nights, evenings and weekends. Jobs added to Messly include a mix of core and anti-social hours. Therefore, if you plan to carry out lots of anti-social shifts, you can expect to get a rate that’s closer to the top end of the range. This means that if you select ‘Lots’ of anti-social hours on the calculator, we use the third quartile from within the range in the calculation to increase the rate. If you select 'None' we use the first quartile to lower the rate.
Does this data include locum work arranged via staff banks?
No, only data from locum jobs with agencies are included.
Using Messly to find locum work 💰
Messly is a faster, simpler and more transparent way to find locum work.
We give you access to locum work from all the best agencies, managed through our app. Doctors using Messly get better rates, less travel and their pick of departments.
First, tell us anonymously what kind of locums you want: what rates you expect, how far you’ll travel, if you’ll do anti-social hours and more.
You’ll then receive offers for locum work from the best locum agencies. You see real shifts, with hospital details, rates and rotas. We’ve only chosen the best agencies to be on Messly, and you see ratings of those agencies written by other doctors.
You review the locum jobs within the app, comparing rates and travel distances and reading the recruiters’ pitches to you. If you see some work you like, you can then schedule a convenient time to speak to the agency. Only then do you share your contact information, and only ever with the agencies that you’ve selected. You won’t get any unwanted emails or spam phone calls. We’ll then help you through the registration process, so you can start working quickly and effortlessly.
We’ve been trusted by over 6,000 doctors in the last year to find locum work, and are rated 4.8* by doctors on TrustPilot.
It works for doctors of all grades, across the whole of the UK, for work in the NHS and private sectors.
Head to and enter your GMC number to get started.
For more finance-related articles, why not check out the following:
👉 Managing Your Finance as a Locum Doctor
👉 How to Make a Living as a Full-Time Locum Doctor
👉 Tips to Increase Your Locum Pay
This article is part of a wider series of resources and guides that are designed to support you as a locum doctor, covering areas such as getting your first job, managing your finances, understanding your rights, and many more. Visit our Locum Doctor Hub for everything you need to know about locuming today.
Find locum work on your terms
The best locum agencies together in one place, competing to find you the best locum shifts. Managed for free through your Messly account.