Messly's Guide to ST3 Applications 2022
1) Register with Oriel
Register for the application process on Oriel (see here for a guide to using oriel). Complete all the registration information such as personal details and employment history as these will then be saved and auto-completed on any applications you begin.
2) Search and Apply to Vacancies
You can find vacancies on Oriel by clicking the Vacancies tab. There is no limit to the number of specialty training programmes that you can apply to, however you must make sure you meet the eligibility criteria for each application.
Make sure you read the person specification for each vacancy carefully, these are now live on the HEE Specialty Training. There is further guidance usually on the lead recruiter’s website for each specialty. A list of all specialties and their lead recruiters can be found here.
Every section of the application form must be completed before it is submitted. For many specialties the longest part of the application is the ‘evidence’ section in which you are required to upload your evidence and score yourself based on the guidelines given. The JRCPTB (Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board) scoring guidelines for the 24 specialties they recruit for can be found here*. Make sure you leave plenty of time to complete your application; previous candidates have reported it taking in excess of 10 hours.
3) Submit your application
Most of the application cannot be edited once it is submitted, so make sure you double check that you are happy with it before clicking submit. The closing date for applications is Thursday 21st February 2019 4pm. Once you have submitted your application, you will receive a confirmation email which can also be seen in the ‘My Messages’ section on Oriel. The application status in the ‘My Applications’ section on Oriel will also be updated from ‘In progress’ to ‘Applied’.
*This information is correct for the 24 sub-specialties for which the JRCPTB leads recruitment. It is broadly similar to other specialties but check with the lead recruitment for each specialty.
Points to consider
- You will rank regional preferences after applications are submitted and before receiving offers. Consider the competition within a region and your personal preference. You are expected to be able to take up a place in any of your preferences. If you do not want to go to a region, do not rank it.
- Make sure you look at the website for the lead recruiter for your chosen specialty to check if there is any extra information on there. These websites also have contact details for the different deaneries etc in charge.
- It is also worth checking for any advice from the Royal Colleges for your specialty.
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