Messly’s Webinar Calendar 2023
Messly’s mission has always been to empower and support doctors to find the right work for them.
Over the years, this has grown from matching doctors with locum agencies to supporting doctors to find work overseas and educating doctors about their work options and rights. Naturally, as our mission has expanded to support all non-training doctors (not only locums), our knowledge and connections have also grown.
We have decided to share this wisdom through a series of webinars and panel discussions over the course of the year, which are timed to help you make important decisions about your F3 in accordance with key deadlines (learn more about these deadlines on our Ultimate timeline article series; Ultimate Timeline for planning your F3 and Ultimate timeline for your F3 Year).
Below you will find Messly’s webinar calendar. You can find the name and description of each webinar that we run, as well as information about who it is specifically designed for and how to book a place to attend the live session. Any corresponding workbooks are linked next to each session.
As we grow our webinar series, don’t be surprised to find additional workshops and panel discussions added to this list throughout the year. Feel free to bookmark this page and check back regularly for updated registration links and further information about sessions.
You can also register for monthly email reminders by signing up for our Timeline to F3 newsletter, which announces relevant blogs and webinars that coincide with where you are on your ultimate timeline.
📅 February
F3 Pulse Check
Who is it for: F3 doctors
What is it about: This interactive session links with the F3 Goal Setting webinar that took place in August. It uses the Pulse Check Workbook to review your progress on the goals you set six months ago and identify any blocks or hurdles that may be stopping you from achieving those goals by the end of the year.
Date and time: February 16th at 7pm
Watch the recording here.
F3 Options Panel Discussion
Who is it for: F2 or F3 doctors who are not going into training at the end of the year.
What is it about: This panel discussion brings together current or old F3 Doctors who have had a number of different experiences in their time out of training. From full-time locum jobs and clinical fellowships to working overseas or in non-medical roles - be inspired and learn from those who have done it all before.
Date and time: TBC
Register for updates here.
F3 in Australia Panel Discussion
Who is it for: F2 doctors planning to move to Australia in August of F3.
What is it about: This panel discussion is a deep dive into the Australian healthcare system, the application and interview process, and how to move Down Under. It is specifically timed for doctors who aim to move out and start their new jobs in Australia in August (to align with the UK medical calendar, rather than the Australian one).
Date and time: TBC
Register for updates here.
📅 March
F3 Planning Webinar (repeat)
Who is it for: F2 doctors considering an F3 Year
What is it about: This interactive webinar is a repeat of the one held in October. It is designed to help F2 doctors learn about their F3 options and consider whether an F3 Year might be right for them. By working through the exercises and quizzes in our F3 Workbook, doctors can reflect on their personal goals and boundaries and start the process of planning their dream F3 Year. Watch the recording of our last session here.
Date and time: TBC
Register for updates here.
📅 April
F3 Fellowships Panel Discussion
Who is it for: F2 doctors interested in clinical fellowship roles
What is it about: This panel discussion explores the experiences of previous F3 doctors who have done a clinical fellowship. Learn about how they found their jobs, the application process, and the highs and lows of their fellowship experiences.
Date and time: TBC
Register for updates here.
F3 Locum Finances (Repeat)
Who is it for: F3 doctors who work as a locum
What is it about: This webinar introduces non-training doctors who do locum work to the world of locum finances. Learn about your earning potential as a locum and how to use our Locum Salary Calculator, how to negotiate pay and resolve pay issues, understand your tax code, and how working as a locum may affect your pension and mortgage.
Date and time: TBC
Register for updates here.
📅 May
Portfolio & Appraisal Webinar
Who is it for: F3 doctors
What is it about: This webinar answers your commonly asked questions about portfolio and appraisal in your F3 Year and helps you prepare for your end-of-year appraisal meeting. Using our Portfolio Companion, we explain the MAG form and how to prepare and upload your appraisal evidence so that you can walk into your appraisal meeting confidently.
Date and time: TBC
Register for updates here.
F3 Locum Questions Answered
Who is it for: F2 doctors
What is it about: This webinar deep dives into the most commonly asked questions around locuming as an F3 doctor. You can watch the recording of our last session here.
Date and time: TBC
Register for updates here.
📅 August
F3 Goal Setting Webinar
Who is it for: F3 doctors
What is it about: This interactive session helps all non-training doctors define their intentions for the year by working through a series of powerful questions and setting SMART goals. Whether you are locuming, working as a trust grade or clinical fellow, working in private industry, or taking some time off for a well-deserved holiday, this webinar helps you identify what you need to achieve for the year and the deadines for this (aka. appraisal or revalidation), as well as what you want to achieve and how you can best ensure that you end the year feeling fulfilled and accomplished. This webinar uses our Pulse Check Workbook.
Date and time: TBC
Register for updates here.
📅 September
F3 in Australia Panel Discussion
Who is it for: F3 doctors planning to move to Australia in February of F3.
What is it about: This panel discussion is a deep dive into the Australian healthcare system, the application and interview process, and how to move Down Under. It is specifically timed for doctors who aim to move out and start their new jobs in Australia in February (to align with the medical calendar out there).
Date and time: TBC
Register for updates here.
📅 October
F3 Planning Webinar
Who is it for: F2 doctors considering an F3 Year
What is it about: This interactive webinar helps F2 doctors learn about their F3 options and consider whether an F3 Year might be right for them. By working through the exercises and quizzes in our F3 Workbook, doctors can reflect on their personal goals and boundaries and start the process of planning their dream F3 Year.
Date and time: TBC
Register for updates here.
📅 November
F3 Locum Finances
Who is it for: F3 doctors who work as a locum
What is it about: This webinar introduces non-training doctors who do locum work to the world of locum finances. Learn about your earning potential as a locum and how to use our Locum Salary Calculator, how to negotiate pay and resolve pay issues, understand your tax code, and how you working as a locum may affect your pension and mortgage.
Date and time: TBC
Register for updates here.
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