March 25, 2024
What are hourly locum pay rates for Stroke Medicine Senior Registrars in 2023?
As a Senior Registrar in Stroke Medicine considering medical locum work, you will want to ensure that you get the best locum rates.
In this article we explain what pay you can expect to earn on an hourly basis as a Locum Senior Registrar in Stroke Medicine, how this varies from the national average across all specialties, what this might equal as an annual gross salary and tips to increase your pay.
The data in this article is taken from Messly’s Locum Doctor Salary Calculator, which breaks down the hourly rates of over 100,000 real locum jobs which were offered to locum doctors using Messly to find locum work since January 2021.
Average Hourly Rates
As a Locum Senior Registrar in Stroke Medicine you can expect to earn between £62.86 and £72.83 per hour of locum work, on average. The highest hourly rate which is commonly seen on Messly for Locum Senior Registrars in Stroke Medicine is £90 per hour.
These average hourly rates are based on 69 individual locum jobs which have been offered to Locum Senior Registrars in Stroke Medicine on Messly's locum finding service.
Messly's data shows national average hourly locum rates for Locum Senior Registrars ranging from £63.82 to £73.81. This means that at the high end of the range, hourly rates for Locum Senior Registrars in Stroke Medicine vary by -1.3% from the national average for locum doctors of that grade across all specialties.
Annual Locum Salary
We can use Messly’s Locum Doctor Salary Calculator to give you an idea of how these average hourly locum rates would translate into a gross annual salary.
If you were working as a locum full time at the national average rate for a Senior Registrar in Stroke Medicine, you could expect to earn a total gross annual income of around £151,000. If you reduced your hours to just two 10 hour shifts per week, your annual gross salary would be around £61,000.
These figures are based on 10 hour shifts with 30 minute unpaid breaks, working as a locum for 47 weeks a year, with the hourly rate at the mid-point of the high and low rates quoted here.
NHS Stroke Medicine departments currently hiring Locum Senior Registrars
Messly's locum finding service helps locum doctors quickly find their perfect locum work. We get the best locum agencies to compete to find you your dream locums, giving you easy access to all locum shifts from one app.
To see which Stroke Medicine departments are currently hiring Locum Senior Registrars, click the link below.
Tips to increase my locum pay
If you are a Locum Senior Registrar in Stroke Medicine and would like to increase your hourly locum rate, check out this detailed article about increasing your pay as a locum doctor.